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Why Christ?
A book about why Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal salvation and what makes Him different than everything else.
Wireless Bible
The purpose of this site is to make the Word of God available on wireless devices. Support for each device is custom developed, taking full advantage of each device
Wisdom for the Heart - The expository Bible based teaching of Dr. Stephen Davey.
Wisdom for the Heart is the expository, Bible based radio ministry of Dr. Stephen Davey, pastor of Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, NC.
Wisdom For Your Wallet
Take control of your finances! My comprehensive program teaches how to manage money, get out of debt, avoid financial crisis, avoid bankruptcy, and build a savings for the future. This biblical based study is great for individuals and groups.
Wisdom of the Bible
An exploration of the Bible
Word Games for Catholics
We publish word games for Catholic newspapers. Recently published word games book. Mission- to educate Catholics, in an entertaining way, with the hope that it will deepen their commitment to Jesus.
Word of Faith People, The
What can they teach us? What can the rest of the church teach them?
Word Song
Hear large portions of the Bible sung verse by verse, all with accompanying instruments in cinematic style.
Words of Life Ministries
It is the goal and mission of this ministry to bring hope and encouragement to God
WordTruth Misssion: A Learning Center for studying God