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Basic Bible Studies
This site offers basic Bible studies ranging from the Basics to the calling of God, as well as other subjects.
Basic Christian
A Christian forum for Discussion, Information, Resources, and Links. Basic Christian: Theology {e-book, PDF file} is now available as a FREE Download. Covering 128 Christian Subjects and Topics from Adoption - Yahweh in an easy to read and understand
Battle Focused Ministries
Equipping the saints for spiritual warfare.
BDI Ministries
FREE Bible study resources, commentaries and inspirational prose and poetry. Access to Christian art by Dr. Brown.
Believers Underground Network
The goal of the Believers Underground Network is to locate and bring together the members of the Body of Christ and to help provide the tools and encouragement toward bearing much fruit.
Bellgamin's Archives
Bible Bell Newsletter archives with Bible studies & devotionals, clean humor. Access to prayer page. Questions answered.
Berean Bible Study Pages
We want to be as eager to receive Biblical teaching as the Bereans of old were, while at the same time following their example of testing all things by the standard of the Scriptures.
Berean Corner
The words of the Bible yield determinate meanings correcting traditional church teachings.
Explore the lands of the Bible, encounter their ancient cultures, and learn more of biblical archaeology at this site.
Bibelskolan en guide för sökare
Bibelskolan med bl.a Bengt Pleijel och C-G Stenbäck: Tag emot visdom och fakta, dagens bibelord, bibelkunskap, kommunicera med en präst, ställ frågor, ge synpunkter samt få kontakter.