Seeks to use reason and evidence to promote biblical
Christianity. Includes an interactive guide to
understanding and accepting Christianity,
information on evolution and cultural issues,
newsletter, and links.
Articles defending biblical reliability and
answering tough questions about hell and the
existence of evil. Also features brief answers to
many common questions and objections to Christian
Extensive archive of downloadable articles on topics
such Islam, Catholicism, New Age, and science. Also
includes information on radio and television
programs, magazine subscription form, fact of the
day, and an online catalog.
Articles, essays, questions and answers, responses
to controversies, and reference materials. Topics
include evangelism, relativism, other religious
groups, and evolution.
Information on the basics of Christianity, answers
to common objections or concerns from those
considering Christianity, articles on the Bible and
Christian living, and links.
Personal page with articles on such topics as why
Christianity is different from other religions, the
diety of Christ, prophecy, and the supernatural
origin of the Bible. Also includes artwork and