melayani jemaat dan hamba Tuhan
GOD-CENTEREDBlessed are the merciful,These are statements about engaging in life in a proper way. Notice that even though these are positive statements, they are not popular statements. The world cheers the ruthless not the merciful. It cheers hypocrites and effective liars not the pure in heart. It cheers the winners not the peacemakers. However, having learned of our need, we are made new and sent out into the world with a godly purpose. It is these lives that will be remembered with wreaths not just fifty years from now, but in eternity, with the approval of God and all that goes with that. The merciful, pure in heart, and peacemakers, who challenge their world, are people who have found out what life is really worth living for.
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
"Blessed are the merciful,That is, they will be shown mercy by God; they will know the mercy-filled presence of God. Verse 8 says,
for they will receive mercy."
"Blessed are the pure in heart,The idea here is about being the same person that you are on the outside all the way into your heart; being unhypocritical. What has been added for the pure in heart that wasn't there before is again the living God, to be known, apprehended, and followed. Verse 9:
for they will see God."
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called the sons of God."
"Blessed are the merciful,Mercy in Scripture is about suffering; one is merciful to someone who is in pain, wretched, or lost. That situation is not something that most of us are attracted to immediately. Most of us avoid those who suffer. We feel as if their pain might rub off on us. It is not natural to find ourselves wanting to join someone in their struggle or hurt. But for those who have been honest enough to stop running from this life's hurts, who have fallen on their knees and asked God to meet their needs and who have received his mercy, it becomes reasonable to turn and offer what they have received to someone else.
for they will receive mercy."
Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: "God, I thank you that I am not like other men---robbers, evildoers, adulterers---or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get."One man had managed to live his life insulated from the fact that sin causes agony by using religious language and activity. And he took credit for it; even in his prayers he praised himself, not God. He never cried for mercy because he never let himself acknowledge how much he needed it.
But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said,
"God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
Your suffering is my wealth.
I feed off pain, force-fed to love it,
And now I swallow it whole.
I will never live in the past.
Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast.
Power, rage unbound
Because I've been pounded by the streets.
Cyanide blood burns down the skyline.
Hatred is purity.
The bullet connects at last.
Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast.
"Blessed are the pure in heart,Purity of heart has to do with becoming an honest person from top to bottom, a genuine person. The way they look in public is the way they are in private. They are able to reflect the glory of God on the outside, six inches deep into their soul, a foot deep into their soul, and as deep as you can go into their soul.
for they will see God."
"Blessed are the peacemakers,Peacemakers are able to go everywhere in the world knowing who they are. There is no more identity crisis, no more wondering if they are worth anything. There is no trying to please a parent who will never be pleased. All that is done. (Women and men are both sons of God; it has nothing to do with gender. It has to do with identity, being the child of one's father.) To be able to go into any setting at any time knowing exactly who you are, and to have all the confidence that goes with that, makes life worth living again. We are back to the fact that having God at the center of everything grants us the opportunity, adventure, and joy.
for they will be called sons of God."
- · What struggles did you have making sense of life when you were in junior and senior high school? What have you learned about life in Christ that you wish you had known then?
- · Assume that the Lord is going to make you eager to step out of your comfort zones and begin to minister to young people. What spiritual gifts, life experience, training, and open doors do you have that might suggest a particular way to get involved?
- · Will you let someone know what you have written here?
- ______ Who? ________________________
I did not grow up in a family who knew God. In fact, my parents found life fairly overwhelming, and they were not able to pass on wisdom about living in a community or being involved with people, because their fear levels were so high. I was told that to believe in God was stupid and to trust anyone was dangerous. I know what it is like to feel helpless, hopeless, and desperate and alone---so alone that life seems pointless and really impossible to live.
When I was seventeen years old someone told me that God was real. It was the first time I had heard that there was a living God who wanted to be vitally involved with my life. Of course I didn't believe it, but I was curious to hear more about it. So I prayed a simple prayer: "Lord, if you're real I really want to know you." God answered my prayer. (Carol Lind)