Text Box: Sumber Kristen





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  • Answering Islam
  • Responding to Muslims is a guide mainly for personal encounter and answers we can give to the most common questions or claims of our Muslim friends
  • Answers to common Muslim questions
  • Rebuttals to Muslim polemics
  • Another Choice by Samuel Green The teaching of Ahmed Deedat
  • Response to Islamic awareness
  • Response to Answering Christianity
  • Response to Dr. Jamal Badawi
  • Response to Shabir Ally
  • Response to Bismikaallahuma
  • The Quran Confirms the Bible Has Never Been Corrupted (Part 1, Part 2)
  • The Trinity
  • The Doctrine of the Trinity by Gilchrist
  • The Trinity by M Anderson
  • Handbook of a Christian-Muslim Apologetics by Gilchrist
  • Index into Islam
  • Individual Author article
  • Answering Islam Library of Classical Books
  • Resource Links on Islam and Christianity
  • Muslims Asking Christians: Questions & Answer Panel
  • Who is God ?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • The Bible
  • New Article on Answering Islam
  • Searching on Answering Islam
  • Answering Islam Bahasa Melayu / Indonesia
  • Answering Islam Com
  • Debate.org.uk
  • An Explanation of the Unipersonality of Christ for Muslims
  • An Explanation of the Trinity for Muslims
  • 101 Cleared-up Contradictions in the Bible (Jawaban terhadap Kontradiksi Alkitab)
  • The Seven Deadly Questions of Islam
  • Theological debate
  • Apologetic debate
  • 99 Truth Tracts
  • Does God Exist?
  • The Son of Man
  • ChristianAnswers.Net Bahasa Indonesia!  from Christian Answers
  • Bible Query
  • Got Questions ?
  • Honest Answers To Tough Questions
  • TheologyWeb
  • Mau Debat, Belajar tentang Kristen, dll ?
  • Yayasan Bina Awam
  • Kitab Suci
  • Alasan mengapa Teori Evolusi salah
  • Tanya Jawab tentang Yesus
  • Exodus paper (GKRI)
  • NowTryGod
  • Answers book Explains how fulfilled prophecies and science prove that the Bible is the word of God
  • Scientific evidence for the existence of God
  • Tektonics Apologetic ministry
  • Apologetics Index
  • Apologetics for Christian
  • Amazing Facts list
  • Links about science and the Bible
  • Bacaan /Buku2 Kristen